Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Reflection of the Nature of Writing

Through my English class and this blogging experience, I have been presented with several ideas about the nature of writing. Writing, and language as a whole, is one of the most important parts of human society. Without the use of language, both spoken and written, society as we know it would not exist.

But as I talked about in an earlier blog post (see: Language is Changing), language is a complex thing. It is because it is changing, because it is a fluid entity that it is so important in our world.
As our technology advances, so does language. As I talked in the aforementioned blog post, writing adapts to the way we communicate. With texting came a type of shorthand unique to that mode of communication and similarly came "l33t sp34k" (or "elite speak") within online gaming communities.

The biggest challenge of writing is knowing when and where to use each form of language.
Because who we talk to and the methods we use are expanding through the changing modes of communication, it is becoming harder and harder to figure out which type of language is appropriate to use.

(That is, unless you're one of those elderly folks who're like "technology is evil, Thomas Edison was a witch", in which case you're still probably writing letters on parchment by candle light. In which case, I hope you're enjoying the 1800's!)

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